Introduction to the "EFOMP Mentoring programme"

Dear colleagues,

Since the beginning of the foundation EFOMP plays a crucial role in enhancing the professional and educational status of Medical Physicists across Europe and internationally.  EFOMP's sustainability 2024-2026 roadmap encompasses the strengthening of the Early Career Medical Physicists voice. The new generation should get acquainted with EFOMP’s work, provide fresh ideas, set ambitious targets, share their expectations and concerns, have an active role in decision making and build democratic spaces. Being part of the  EFOMP structures offers them opportunities of growth, learning, volunteering and mentorship, strengthens their identity, guides them to become the Medical Physics ambassadors and future leaders. 

We establish a mentorship programme to engage and support early career professionals as mentees in EFOMP Working Groups, Committees, Special Interest Groups, projects and scientific surveillance with the guidance of an EFOMP expert as mentor. The mentorship program provides guidance to early-career medical physicists to develop a successful career trajectory. Mentees wil have a guide who understands their aspirations and challenges and get personalized advice, drawing from their own journey to help them develop new skills, navigate obstacles and realize personnal and professional growth.

By nurturing the next generation of medical physicists through mentorship, we ensure the continued advancement of the profession. This programme is expected to foster a sense of community within the field, facilitating networking opportunities, collaboration, and the exchange of ideas.


Selection of mentees

Interested candidates should send an email with CV and motivation letter to  The selection will be made in terms of personal interests, geographical diversity, motivation and needs.  A first virtual meeting between mentors and potential mentees will take place and a reduced (in number of participants) version of the programme will start running after that meeting. 

The EFOMP mentor does NOT supervise the work and mentor responsibility is restricted to the advice given. Mentor and mentee do not necessarily have to work in the same specialty. The EFOMP mentor will communicate with the mentee using electronic communication (E mail, Tconference). The initiative for communication can be taken by both the mentor and the mentee. 

In order to promote mentor turnover, mentorship is supported by EFOMP  (the European Matters Committee chair) no longer than 1 year. However, mentor and mentee may agree to prolong their cooperation if they think this is necessary. 

Presentation of the programme

An official presentation of the Mentoring programme will be held during the European Congress of Medical Physics in Munich.  The event will host 25 potential mentees.  More detailed information about the event will be announced at the ECMP2024 and EFOMP webpages. 


The Mentoring programme was initiated by EFOMP governing committee and prepared by the EFOMP European Matters committee (chair Antonio Medina, secretary Irini Polycarpou)  in collaboration with the steering committee of the Early Career Special Interest Group

Efi Koutsouveli

EFOMP President